“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

~A. Einstein


Kundalini Activation Light Integration


Kundalini Activation Light Integration is a powerful healing modality that activates the movement of kundalini energy in the body in a gentle, natural way. During a session, a facilitator works with energy, the power of sound and vibratory resonance to guide you on a phenomenal inner journey. You will just lay down on a yoga mat, relax with your eyes closed, listen to specifically selected music, and receive. This may lead to emotion that no longer serves you being somatically released from the body, shifts into deeper states of awareness and heightened perceptions, strengthening of intuition, self-empowerment, unburdening yourself from limiting beliefs and receiving clarity around your purpose and other areas of your life. This modality is a catalyst for transformation by surrendering to our inner wisdom.

  • Hosted by Iva & in collaboration with other KALI Facilitators and energy work healers..

  • Bring a mat, water, perhaps a blanket, and an open mind!

  • Please see the FAQ page for more information.


  • We get together in a calm, quiet setting, usually at a yoga studio. We start by introducing the practice and ourselves. Then everyone takes their place on their mats, relaxes, and simply receives. The session is an hour to an hour and a half long. After that, we end with some healthy snacks, which help us to ground back into our bodies and we open a sharing circle. Sharing is always optional; it is a way to connect with other people on a healing path and creates a sense of community.

  • Each individual’s experience is unique. There is no right or wrong way to receive or connect to this energy. Some people report feeling a physical sensation of energy flowing through their body, while others fall into a deep meditative state and report having memories come up, epiphanies, profound states of Oneness, mystical experiences, or visions. It is also possible to experience physical manifestations, which may include unintentional body movements, spontaneous Kriyas, Yoga postures, mudras, vocal activation, or emotional release – joy, laughter, and tears.

  • Everyone is welcome! No previous experience is necessary. KALI is appropriate for most ages, and often people bring their children or parents.

  • Sometimes described as the ultimate life-force energy, Kundalini is the source of our creative powers, our spiritual gifts, and it represents the divine feminine. “Kundalini” is a Sanskrit word that is translated as “coiled” or “serpentine”. First mentioned in ancient scriptures known as Upanishad, kundalini is the serpent-power or mystic fire that is the primordial energy that is represented as a snake laying dormant, sleeping at the base of the spine or Root (Muladhara) Chakra.

  • In a KALI session, I serve as a conduit of life force energy that flows through me, rather than form me.

  • KALI is not what is traditionally known as Kundalini Yoga and is not what is commonly described as a Kundalini Awakening. It is simply a “software update”, that cleanses the subtle body by clearing the channels, which in its turn aids the healing and self-transformation process.

  • For some, the effects of KALI may be more obvious after about 3 sessions, but for everyone, this process triggers supports, and complements the individual’s healing process. It clears up stagnant energies, assists in the processing of past trauma, release of limiting beliefs, and helps to remove emotional blockages. After a session, many people report feeling uplifted and energized. KALI has a compound effect over time and when combined with your regular spiritual hygiene practices. Some of the benefits are feeling more present, focused, accepting of yourself and others, having a greater sense of connection, and an understanding of your life’s path.

  • KALI is not a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis, or treatment. This practice is used mainly for spiritual growth and expanding one’s awareness of Self. Some people do report feeling relief from some physical health conditions however this is not guaranteed and is not the purpose of the practice.

  • KALI is a very safe practice however it may involve deep breathing practices and emotional amplification. It is not recommended for those with abnormally high or low blood pressure, heart conditions, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other cardiovascular or psychiatric conditions.

  • Yes. KALI is safe before the 3rd trimester of pregnancy if you feel well and can attend a regular gym or yoga practice. Please let me know if you are pregnant before our session and always use your doctor’s advice on which activities and postures can be harmful to the health of the mother and baby.

  • Yes. Many people report positive effects after a few or even one session. Please be aware that you may experience the energy in a more subtle way if you are currently taking any antidepressant medication.

Energy Therapy - KALI Group Session

~ 2.5 Hours - $65~

A Group Session at a local San Diego studio.

This is a group, semi-private 2.5 hour event, usually held at local yoga studios. It includes a short time for set-up and an introduction. The KALI session is 60 to 75 minutes long, after which we take some time to ground and open a sharing circle. Please see the Energy Therapy and Events tab for more information.


Reiki, from the Japanese words “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life energy), is an energy-based approach to healing that was first identified in ancient Tibetan Buddhist teachings. As practiced today in the U.S., Reiki is dated back to the teachings of Dr. Mikao Usui, a lay monk living in Japan in early 1920. A safe and non-invasive healing modality with no side effects that can also be practiced distantly. Reiki is shown to have numerous benefits, like – relief of pain, anxiety, and fatigue, treating depression, enhancing the quality of life of cancer patients, boosting mood, and may be used to treat headaches, tension, insomnia, nausea, and neurodegenerative disorders.